Notifications (Alerts)


  • Navbar notifications appear under the main navigation menu.
  • Users can press the notification title to view the notification details, or press the close icon in the upper right corner to dismiss the notification.
  • Only 1 notification can be expanded at a time. Expanding a notifification will collapse the others on the list.
  • A maximum of 3 notifications can be stacked under the navigation bar. When there are more than three new notifications, a tab should appear at the bottom of the list with a link to the notification area in the dashboard.


  • Page notifications appear inside the main content container, under the header.
  • Messages are displayed in full. The notification box has no collapsed state.

Warning notification

Come on in, I’ve got to tell you what a state I’m in.


Your limit is getting close to your crowdmatch total. This means you might have to drop support for a project soon.

review my options


  • These notifications appear in the notification area of the user dashboard.
  • Each notification can be expanded independently of others on the page.

Success notification

This is a dashboard notification. It doesn't have a button, but at least it has a title and a message body. Smile!

Info notification

This is another dashboard notification. It has a title and a message body. There is a close button and a link button. It might even have a cartoon character. Now imagine said character singing, "Country roads ..."

take me home

Warning notification

Danger notification

Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!